The Veda And Indian Culture - Index




Adhikara, 33,53

Aditi, 63, 74

Agamas, 59

Agastya, 10

Age, Purano-tantric, 84

Age, Vedic, 50


Agnosticism, 61

Ahimsa, 33

Ajata Shatru, 18

Akbar, 84

Akshara, 22

Alexander, 84

Amritam, 12, 22

Angirasas, 13,14,15,63

Angirasas, legend of, 64

Animism, 2, 3, 57

Apala, 31


Architecture, 56

Art, 31,56

Artha, 49

Arthashastra, 105

Arum, 68,69, 70,78,80

Aryaman, 10,11,12


Ashoka, 84

Ashram, 18,34

Ashwins, 12,13

Ashvamedha, 42

Astronomy, 44

Atharva Veda, 6,105

Atheism, 61

Adantis, 1

Atman, 30, 82

Aurangzeb, 85

Avidya, 29

Ayurveda, 104

Badarayana, 88,95

Bedekar, V.M, 71,75,78,82

Being, Pure, 58


Bhakti Yoga, 7

Bharadwaja, 31, 34

Bharat Muni, 102

Brahma Sutra, 88

Brahmacharin, 33,37,63

Brahmacharya, 33,52

Brahman, 24, 28,30,37

Brahmanas, 66,87,89

Brahmin, 42, 52

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 30,70

Brihaspati, 13,14

Brihat, 12, 47

British, 50, 84

Buddha, 83

Buddhi, 28

Buddhism, 8,46,59,84

Bull, 73


Caste, 54

Casteism, 62

Charanavyuha, 91

Chaturvarna, 53

Chaldea, 1

Chaitanya, 44,59,85

Chandragupta Maurya, 84

Charvaka, 46, 59

Chemistry, 44

Chhandas, 101,102

Chhandogya Upanishad, 68,75,78, 79, 80,81, 82

Cow, 3,13,14

Consciousness, mental, 41 Cosmic-terrestrial, 22

Crisis, 38,39,51





Dance, 56

Das, Avinash Chandra, 87

Dasyus, 13

Dawn, 73, 74


Death, 76

Depth, 67

Desire, 24


Devayani, 70,71

Dhanur Veda, 104

Dharma, 47,48,49,50,52,98,99

Dhaumya, 70

Din-i-Ilahi, 85

Dirghatamas, 31

Diti, 74

Divine, 5, 9

Dogma, 46,57

Dwaita, 58

Dwapara, 54


Education, 22,27,29,32,38,39 Ego,57

Egypt, 1,17

Empire, Gupta, 84

Empire, Mauryan, 84

Empire, Moghul, 84

Epistemology, 44

Ethics, 56

Evolution, 6,10

Existence-in-itself, 29

Experience, 46

Experience, spiritual, 57


Fetishism, 57

Fire, 5

Fire, mystic, 6

Flame, 5,66, 72,73

Forefathers, 63

France, 61


Gandharvaveda, 105

Gargi, 70

Gautama, 75

Ghora, 18, 70

Gita, 20,49, 57,96

Gods, 15

Greece, 1,17

Grihastha, 52

Gritsamada, 31

Greece, 35,41

Gurukulas, 33,34


Harmony, 11

Harsha, 84

Hatha yoga, 30


History, Indian, 40,50


Hound, heavenly, 13


Jacobi, 87

Jaimini, 90

Jyotish, 103,104


Ideal, vedic, 24

Ignorance, 24,76

Illusionism, 8,21

Immortal, 64

Immortalitiy, 12, 22,27,28,29,63,67,


Inconscience, 6

Indra, 10,13,15,65

India, 19, 22

India, renasscent, 50

Infra-rational, 2

Inspiration, 12

Initiate, 53

Initiation, 41

Intelligence, 7

Intelligence, illumined, 10

intuition, 42, 44, 45

Intuition, age of, 84

Islam, 60


Jabala, 75

Jainism, 46, 59


Janashruti, 70

Jivanmukta, 58

Jnana kanda,

21 jnana yoga,7

Journey, human, 10

Joy, 5




Kalidasa, 34

Kaliyuga, 54

Kalpa, 88,97

Kama, 49

Karma 8,24

Karma kanda, 21

Karma yoga, 7,20

Kautilya, 105

Katha Upanishad, 30

Katyayani, 70

Khalsa, Sikh, 60

Knowledge,, book of, 64

Knowledge, internal, 60

Knowledge, upanishadic, 68

Knowledge, vedic, 69

Krishna, 18,20, 70,107

Kshara, 22

Kshatriya, 42,52

Liberation, 29

Life, collective, 48

Life-force, 6

Life, goal of, 21

Life, individual, 48,50

Literature, vedic, 87

Logic, 44

Lokasangrasha, 58

Lopamudra, 31

Literature, 56

Ludwig, 87

Madhuchhandas, 14,31

Madhwa, 44, 85, 95

Mahabharata, 25,34,50

Mahas Panthah, 65

Maitreyi, 70


Mantra, 7,13,15,41,63

Mantra yoga, 7,

Mantras, age of, 83


Maruts, 14

Mathematics, 44

Matter, 6,15, 26,55

Max Miiller, 87

Medicine, 44

Medhadthi, 31

Mind, 7


Moksha, 49,58

Monism, qualified, 58

Monism, 57

Monism, qualified, 58

Monotheism, 2,57

Mother, 61

Mother, white, 4

Music, 56

Mutation, evolutionary, 62

Mysteries, age of, 1

Mysticism, 2


Nachiketas, 67,68,69, 76,77

Nanak, Guru, 60

Narada, 68, 69,82

Nationalism, 60

Natyashastra, 102

Neo-Platonists, 17

Nihilism, 57

Nimbarka, 44,95

Nirukta, 100

Nirvana, 24, 25

Non-dualism, 58

Non-initiate, 53

Nyaya, 44


Order, fourfold, 52


Paila, 90


Pandit, 35

Panini, 101

Panis, 13,14

Pantheism, 2, 57

Parashara, 70

Patanjali, 92,101

Path, 26,36

Perfection, 9,22

Perfection, integral, 23

Pessimism, 21,25

Philosophy, 30,44, 46,56,69,83

Philosophy, Indian, 45

Philosophy, system of, 59,107

Physics, 44



Pingal, 101

Pippalada, 70

Plato, 17

Pleasant, the, 76

Poetry, 31

Polity, 56

Poorva Mimamsa, 21,44 Prasthanatrayi, 88

Pratishakhya, 103

Preyas, 35

Priest, 9,10,40

Prashna Upanishad, 70

Pupil, 27,33,37

Puranas, 59,105,106

Purano-tantric, 58


Purusha, chaitya, 8

Purushottama, 58

Pushan, 14

Pythagoras, 17


Raikwa, 18, 70

Raja yoga, 30

Rajsuya, 42

Ramakrishna, 86

Ramanuja, 44,85,95

Ramayana, 25,34,50

Real-Idea, 12


Reason, age of, 84

Reasoning, 45

Religion, 29, 56,57,83

Renaissance, Indian, 39,85

Revelation, 12,53

Revival, 55

Right 12,47

Rig Veda, 4,6,9,72

Rishi, 4,14,21,23,31,34,35,40,41

43,47, 53, 63,72

Rishihood, 65

Rita. 14,47,48,50

Ritualism, 16

Rolland, Remain, 60

Romasha, 31


Sachchidananda, 28

Sacrifice, 19, 20,59,90

Sankhya, 58

Sakshin, 57

Sama Veda, 6

Sanatkumara, 68

Sankhya, 44

Sarama, 13,65

Saririkasutra, 88

Sat, 28

Satyakama, 18,67

Satyam, 47

Savitri, 10,12,15

Seers, seven, 64

Shaivism, 85

Shakhas, vedic, 91

Shakuntalam, 34

Shankara, 44,85,95

Shiksha, 96

Shreshtha, 32

Shruti, 42

Shudra, 52

Smriti, 48

Society, 40

Soma, 12,13,65

Soul, 8

Space, 10, 28,58

Spaceless, 10

Species, human, 39

Spirit, 15, 26,55

Spiritism, 2,3,57

Spirituality, 56, 57,83

Spirituality, integral, 60

Spirituality, icnascent, 61

Sri Aurobindo, 4 26,39,60,61,65,

71, 72, 76,86

Super-humanity, 61

Supermind, 39

Sukta, purusha, 53

Shukracharya, 70

Supra-cosmic, 22

Supramental, 11

Supra-rational, 2

Supra-terrestrial, 20, 22,23

Supreme, 8,9,12,14,20,49,60



Sukta, purusha, 89

Sumantu, 90



Sutra, dharma, 88.98

Sutra, grihya, 88 98

Sutra, shautra, 88, 97

Sutra Shulba, 88

Svadharma, 52

Shvetaketu, 67,68,69,78,80,81

Swadhyaya, 33

Swar, 7,10,15,65

Swayamprabha, 45

Synthesis 31,57, 60


Taittiriya Upanishad, 30,36,37

Tantra, 59

Tat, 58

Taxila, 69

Teacher, 26,34,37,41

Theism, 2

Tilak, Lokamanya, 87

Time, 10, 28, 58

Timeless, 10

Tradition, vedic, 6

Transcendental, 19

Transcendentalism, 57

Transformation, 61

Treta, 54

Trikaladrishti, 40

Trikalajnana, 40

Truth, 5,10,12,15, 27, 74

Truth-audition, 12

Truth-consciousness, 12

Truthfulness, 75

Truth-vision, 12


Upanishad, age of, 83

Upanishad, Chhandogya, 67

Upanishad, Katha, 67

Upanishads, 1, 4, 8,16,17,20,28,29,



Utanka, 70

Uttara Mimamsa, 44


Vairagya, 19

Vaishampayana, 90

Vaisheshika, 44

Vaishnavism, 85

Vaishya, 52

Vala, 14,15

Vallabha, 44, 85,95

Vamadeva, 31

Vanaprastha, 52

Varahamihira, 104

Varnas, 54

Varuna, 10,11,12,42,53

Vast, 12

Vashishtha, 31


20, 22, 23, 25, 28,29,31,44,46,55,


Vedanga, 96

Vedanta, 22,44,60, 66,88

Vedatrayi, 92

Victory, 64

Vidya, 29

Vishishtadwaita, 58

Vishwamitra, 31

Vishwavara, 31


Vritra, 14,15

Vyakarana, 101



Weber, 87

Whitney, 87

Will-force, 6

Wisdom, 1,5,41

Witness, eternal, 57

Wordsworth, 71


Yajna, 19, 59

Yajnavalkya, 48, 70

Yajur Veda, 6

Yama, 67, 68, 76

Yajnavalkya, 18

Yoga 24, 29, 30, 56

Yogin, 63




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