On Education - Articles - Gokulam Bal Vishwavidyalaya

Gokulam Bal Vishwavidyalaya

Gokulam Bal Vishwavidyalaya

(Children’s University, Gujarat)


  1. To undertake all educational research, training and extension programmes that will aim at securing the highest importance and care of the child in the society and developing society itself into a knowledge or learning society that conducts and develops all its activities as a part of unending education, constant youthfulness and constant research whereby material life is perfected under the sovereign dynamism of spiritual knowledge and wisdom.
  2. To advocate effectively the idea that the sovereignty of the society is reposed in the child and that no public activity should be encouraged, which will have any harmful influence or effect on the integral development of the child;
  3. To establish and conduct facilities, programmes and activities that will promote at all levels of education concern for the development of the child, with particular reference to:
    1. Harmonious growth of health, strength, agility and beauty of the    body, mind and spirit;
    2. Qualities of courage, heroism, adventure, enterprise, initiative, enthusiasm and dynamism of active life;
    3. Qualities of sympathy, friendliness, fairness, justice, patriotism and universal welfare in all its aspects;
    4. Qualities of multiple skills and applied technology; and
    5. Qualities of unity, mutuality and harmony that spring from the deepest psychic and spiritual recesses and heights that are nurtured by the processes of learning to be and to become;
Gokulam Bal Vishwavidyalaya

Gokulam Bal Vishwavidyalaya


(1)  One of the Specific Objectives of the University shall be:

To develop and conduct programmes of research, education, training and extension in respect of:

  1. Pre-natal care including care and protection of pregnancy, health and psychological and other aspects of knowledge regarding prenatal care among parents.
  2. Medical knowledge and research in respect of prenatal care, midwifery, and early stages of the growth of the child.
  3. Growth and sustenance of happy childhood, involving constant progress of the child in respect of various tender faculties of the child under protective and helpful environment, atmosphere and facilities.
  4. Studies and practical applications in respect of the development and formation of habits, manners and capacities relevant to early childhood.
  5. Studies and practical applications relating to detection and remedies of defects and deficiencies, - physical, sensory, cognitive, affective and conative, including motor activities.
  6. Studies and practical applications relating to special gifts in early childhood and the methods by which these gifts can be nourished and developed.
  7. Studies and practical applications in respect of the training of creating clean, hygienic and beautiful atmosphere and environment in the home and various areas of children’s activities.
  8. Studies and practical applications in respect for developing, discovering and inventing various tools, objects, dolls, pictures, and other suitable instruments that would enhance child’s growth in directions that are most conducive to the sustenance of happiness, cheerfulness, security, safety and potential of the child.
  9. Studies and practical applications of child psychology at the most advanced levels, which would also include pooling, scrutiny and utilization of the traditional knowledge contained in the vast cultural and spiritual heritage of India and other countries.
  10. And such other relevant programmes of studies and applications that would enrich care and protection of prenatal stages and other stages of early childhood.

(2)     Programme of Research in Prenatal and Early Childhood Education and Training:

The University shall institute and develop not only research programmes at the highest levels but also utilize these programmes for developing and introducing suitable courses in psychology, sociology, medicine and pedagogy and teachers’ training programme in respect of prenatal education and education relating to development of early childhood.

Gokulam Bal Vishwavidyalaya

Gokulam Bal Vishwavidyalaya

(3)     Extension Services relating to Prenatal and Early Child Education:

  1. The University shall disseminate knowledge, enlightenment and skills relevant to prenatal education and education of early childhood through distant learning programmes, seminars, workshops, lectures and through audio-visuals and through power-point projections right up to the village level.
  2. The University shall also institute, develop and conduct at least twelve centres of the University in different parts of the state which would enhance programmes and activities of the University and which would particularly aim at dissemination and diffusion of the knowledge and skills regarding prenatal care and education of the early stages of childhood.


The University shall institute, develop and conduct a centre of research, education, training and extension under the title, “Every Child Matters”, which will be under the guidance of experts, who will develop programmes and activities devoted to:

  1. A dynamic vision to bring together in the university itself and at selected local and district level groups of practitioners who need to work together as an intimated work-force, characterized by professional respect and trust, cutting across the service boundaries to fit services around the needs of children, young people and families.
  2. Publication of relevant material that will guide workers, leaders and managers; and to develop a progressive action-plan that aims at integral care and development of children, and for that purpose to organize consultation processes which will aim at promoting an active childhood and highlighting the importance of places to play as also the development of “Staying Safe Action Plan”.


The University shall institute a centre of research, education, training and extension   that will be devoted to the promotion of innovations in elementary schools in regard to educational aims, methods and contents, new methods of testing (through written tests, individualized tests, team tests, project tests, oral tests, practical tests as also physical fitness tests), and for that purpose undertake a programme of preparing and publishing relevant teaching-learning material, including work-sheets, monographs, teachers’ manuals, slides, graphics, power-point projections, film strips, musical pieces, artistic paintings and feature films as also suggestions and recommendations for programmes of recitation, dance and drama.


The University shall institute research, education, training and extension connected with establishment of Bal Bhavans in the State, and for that purpose to institute in the campus of the university a model Bal Bhavan and other Bal Bhavans in the state (so as to provide one Bal Bhavan for the population of 1 lakh children in towns and one Bal Bhavan for ten thousand children at district and local levels for villages and clusters of neighboring villages with suitable transport facilities), and to monitor, co-ordinate and promote the activities of all the Bal Bhavans in the state and to ensure the development of Bal Bhavans on progressive lines that will cater to the promotion of Indian aesthetic, ethical, spiritual values as also techniques, technologies and skills for discovery, invention and utilization of latest products of scientific and technical advancement that are taking place in different parts of the world, including new technologies and techniques that young people use and encounter everyday.

Gokulam Bal Vishwavidyalaya

Gokulam Bal Vishwavidyalaya


The University shall institute, conduct and develop elementary teachers’ education in order to:

  1. Pool the results of research in Child education from major programme centres of education in different parts of the world.
  2. To prepare teaching-learning materials for developing a new programme of children’s teachers’ pre-service and in-service training.
  3. To conduct innovative programme of training which will aim at:
    1. Participation in well-developed programme of physical education.
    2. Expertise in prenatal education of mothers and integral care of the initial stages of children’s development, and/or expertise in nursery education of children, and/or expertise in kindergarten education of the children, and/or expertise in organization and conducting programmes of Anganwadis, and/or expertise in multilingual capacities of children, and/or expertise in transmitting value-oriented education in children, and/or expertise in skill-oriented education in children, and/or expertise in adventure related activities of children, and/or physical education of children, and/or organisation of programmes of exploration, discoveries and inventions and presentation of films, dramas, and recitation programmes and programmes of eloquence, drawing, painting, music and poetry, and/or expertise in organizing and conducting primary schools, elementary schools and multi-level and multi-sided schools for special children and gifted children.
    3. To contribute to the development of a campus in the university dedicated to the innovative education from elementary level to the higher secondary level.


  1. The University shall establish an Institute devoted  to programmes of research, education, training and extension related to innovations in the development of Higher Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary schools, whereby existing schools in the state can be enriched in respect of objectives, methods and contents, and in developing new innovative schools in the state which will implement a new curriculum based on the results of the experiments carried out in the country and elsewhere, particularly during the period of freedom struggle in India and during the period of educational revolutions since the development of UNESCO and UNICEF.
  2. To develop cluster of seven innovative schools that will be set up in the campus of the university, each autonomous with eight hundred students but correlated for overall purposes of sharing the results of innovative programmes of teaching and learning and utilization of special facilities in respect of skill development and other programmes of physical education, and programmes related to explorations, discoveries, inventions and artistic, dramatic and other programmes of art, music, dance and poetry. 


The University shall establish an Institute for children’s films that will be devoted to the relevant research, education, training, and production of children’s films.


The Campus of the University shall provide space, accommodation and infrastructural facilities, and shall accommodate the following and other buildings and facilities:

  1. Film Studio
  2. Grounds for demonstrations, explorations, inventions (small    and big)      
  3. Museums for corresponding activities
  4. Tapovan idea
  5. Maternity Home
  6. Research in Pre-Elementary and Elementary education, training and extension centres for:
    1. Toddler Education     
    2. Kindergarten
    3. Elementary I
  7. Teachers’ Educational University (to be set up under a separate legislation)
  8. Seven Innovative Model Schools – Elementary II, Secondary class 9. 10, Higher Secondary 11, 12
  9. Interdisciplinary University (to be established under a separate legislation)
  10. Gujarat Commission for Educational Innovations (to be established under a separate legislation)
  11. Laghu Bharat
  12. Laghu Vishwa
  13. Pavilions for the most ancient stage of Indian civilisation: The Vedic Age: Knowledge and Culture
  14. Pavilion of history of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture.
  15. Residential Area with facilities of sports grounds, stadium, gymnasia, swimming pools, supermarket and dispensary.
Gokulam Bal Vishwavidyalaya

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